Print and communications specialist, DG3 has been using Enfocus software for many years, so when faced with the challenge of implementing client-speci...
So, you’ve managed to convince yet another customer that you are just the guy or gal to do their printing, and you’ve sealed the sale. Congrats! Now i...
Enfocus Switch is a printing automation platform that allows workflow creators to build and connect processes regardless of vendor. It is a visual wor...
Think dashboards are just another trend in automation software that will soon blow over? Think again. According to Infotrends, the dashboarding trend...
NetzoDruk partnered with Enfocus reseller Grafistore to create a process tailored to their needs. Grafistore didn’t stop at implementing the Enfocus p...
By automating repetitive tasks like color corrections and converting old Word formats, low-quality PDF files and other file formats to print-ready doc...
PitStop Server links seamlessly into Enfocus Switch, carrying out a pre-check and autocorrect of PDF files in an automated production flow that is sub...
28.03 Le Studio relies on the Enfocus Switch automation solution to stay on top in a highly competitive market, meeting the needs of increasingly dema...
The Bernard Group is a perfect example of how Enfocus Switch and tilia Labs Phoenix can really improve a business. Automation is becoming more of a mu...
Management Information Systems are a must-have. There is no argument, there. They are the brains of the operation and print service providers rely hea...
From the very beginning, the Enfocus fundamental belief has been that technology should follow process and not the other way around. With this philoso...
When discovering Switch, Marc could see that Switch was more workflow-centric and looked very easy to administer, whereas the enterprise systems they...