by Andrew Bailes-Collins, Senior Product Manager, Enfocus

Soft proofing is nothing new. Most print customers are used to proofing jobs by email and find it pretty convenient to boot. Sure, they may have some questions or remarks regarding color accuracy or what might happen to their layers in the RIP. But for the most part – and this is especially true in the case of digital print – customers are comfortable giving printers the green light based on what they see in a PDF soft proof. However, there are some bees in the prepress bonnet when it comes to administering soft proofs via email. Is it time for a browser-based alternative? Yes! And it already exists, fancy that. Read on to discover all about the Enfocus PDF Review Module.
No more file size restrictions
Sending PDF files for proofing by email attachment is easy-breezy. Provided the files are not too big, that is. “Then why not simply resort to FTP or some other online file sharing service?”, the prepress operator wondered. Great question! Allow us to answer it with another great question: doesn’t creating a low-resolution soft proof defeat the whole point of providing the customer with an accurate image of what their final print will look like? Yep, it does.
The benefits of online soft proofing
Okay, so let’s get past all of the inherent hassles of dealing with PDF proof mechanics and have a look at proofing through the eyes of the customer. First, the customer must download the file, unzip the download and open the PDF. The next step is inspecting the proof with Acrobat tools using the who-knows-what view settings.
Enter in-browser proofing. Here’s why:
1. It’s always ‘on’
Customers can inspect proofs whenever it suits them and no longer have to rely on prepress to fix possible issues with attachments or uploading.
2. (Almost) any device will do
Online proofs can be viewed from any device that can render HTML, whether it be mobile, tablet or laptop, as the process simply takes place in a browser.
3. Print-ready accuracy
An online proofing system displays the ready-to-print PDF in detail, leaving no doubts about the printed piece whatsoever.
4. No downloading involved
That’s right! No downloading, no unzipping, no opening in apps and no struggling to figure things out.
5. Faster feedback
Using online proofing in an automated workflow significantly reduces the turnaround of proofs to customers and gets the proof approvals back to the printer much, much faster.
6. Automatic routing
Once the proof is approved (or rejected), the system can route the PDF file toward the next step in the workflow.
7. Status tracking
Every time a proof is edited or commented on, the system captures the change which makes it easier for production to track the status of the proof in question.
8. Branding opportunities
The PDF Review Module user interface can be branded to become a full-fledged extension of your business.
How our online PDF proofing system works
With the PDF Review Module, Enfocus has created a complete online proofing system for PDF. Check out how it works and don’t hesitate to contact us!