by John Dean, Marketing Content Specialist

Logic Group, Surrey, BC - Your single source for print

“Our name, Logic, originated in our thought process that is used when we work with our clients. By simple definition, it’s a science that studies the principles of correct reasoning and we apply that reasoning to every project we undertake to ensure that our clients receive the best possible product and experience every time.
We all know the saying ‘If you don't take care of your clients, someone else will’ and that's always served as our driving cause. As the leaders of Logic Group, we've never found this statement to be more true. Whether it's helping a retailer provide a better visual experience in their stores or helping a restaurant generate new sales through a personalized campaign, we're continuously investing in new equipment, new technologies, and our employees to create better solutions for our clients and allowing them to do more with less.”
Q&A with Logic Group Director, Tony Marasco
Enfocus: What production challenge were you looking to overcome?
Tony: We had many smaller value orders coming through and were emailing each proof and revision out manually.
Enfocus: Who was being most affected by this challenge?
Tony: Our CSR’s were becoming bogged down with sending manual emails
Enfocus: Was there too much manual processing being applied in this scenario?
Tony: Absolutely.
Enfocus: What brought you to look at Enfocus for a solution?
Tony: We wanted an automated process but also knew that we could benefit from other automation features as well so we chose Switch and PDF Review Module at the same time.
Enfocus: How does the Enfocus solution specifically fit your needs?
Tony: We can send proof links automatically now and our CSR’s get to preview every proof and if needed, send it back to Prepress for changes before it even makes it to the clients. This helps ensure that the first proof is most likely the one to be approved once the link makes it to the client.
Enfocus: Why was this the best choice for your environment?
Tony: Enfocus offers awesome support and the combination of PitStop Server being used in Switch along with PDF Review Module meant that our CSR’s can submit a job into the system, choose a template, and have dielines, grommets, layouts, etc all applied automatically either before or after proofing with the client.
Enfocus: Has the solution lived up to your expectations?
Tony: Absolutely
Enfocus: Have you seen hard numbers that give you confidence in your choice?
Tony: We’ve saved probably 30 – 60 mins per day in prepress and proofing emails going back and forth.

Check out the PDF Review Module for yourself. Then, let us know what you think.