written by
Piet De Pauw

Print Smart, Print Less: Minimizing Physical Proofs with Soft Proofing Solutions

Trends and Insights 4 min read , September 5, 2024

For the final article in our five-part series, ‘Sustainability in Print’, we will explore how soft proofing is changing the print industry by minimizing the use of physical proofs. As this technology develops, it is leading to a more sustainable and cost-effective print production process that significantly reduces waste while enhancing efficiency.

Watch your print business grow rapidly without harming the environment

Even in the digital age, print remains a powerful medium. The tactile experience of holding a brochure, the visual impact of a glossy magazine spread, the personal touch of a printed business card on good stock – these are vital sensations that digital cannot replicate, and we believe it never will.

And yet, as we've explored in this series of articles, traditional print production processes often come with significant environmental costs. In this context, the physical proofing stage has been particularly guilty of waste, but evolving technologies are finally addressing this imbalance.

Physical Proofs are Waste by Definition

In one way, proofing is the unsung hero of print production. It ensures that every aspect of a job is correct and signed off before the presses roll. Avoiding failed jobs obviously has a significant environmental and financial impact, so proofing is an essential part of any commercial and sustainable print process.

But here’s the catch: physical proofs are also inherently wasteful. They consume mountains of paper and gallons of ink, only to be discarded once reviewed. And this isn’t just an environmental issue – it’s a financial drain. The costs of materials, printing, shipping, and labor quickly add up, eating into your profits and adding to that pile of recycling waste.

In short, it’s a lose/lose proposition.

Add to this the fact that physical proofs slow down job processing and order processing, and it’s clear that it’s time for a smarter, more sustainable approach.

Soft Proofing: A Sustainable and Efficient Alternative

While digital technology can’t replace the unique tactile experience of print, it can dramatically improve the proofing stage. Soft proofing – the process of reviewing and approving digital proofs on screen – has become amazingly accurate, and it offers a sustainable and efficient alternative to physical proofs.

With accurate on-screen representations of the final printed product, stakeholders can today accurately evaluate color spaces, layout, overprint, and more. This lets you design with confidence from anywhere in the world, with zero shipping, ink, paper, and press time used.

Further, beyond sustainability and boosting your print businesses, real-time collaboration becomes seamless as stakeholders can now use browser-based tools to review and annotate proofs anytime and anywhere. Changes can be made quickly and efficiently, and the risk of miscommunication is significantly reduced with on-page commenting.

Eliminating the need to create and ship physical proofs also enables print businesses to accelerate turnaround times and reduce costs, ultimately boosting their bottom line.

Enfocus Switch and Review: The Soft Proofing Powerhouse

At Enfocus, we offer two complementary solutions that work in harmony to streamline and optimize the soft proofing process:

Enfocus Review: This cloud-based, online proofing solution centralizes the review and approval process. Its intuitive interface allows stakeholders to easily add comments, annotations, and markup directly on the digital proof. Real-time updates and version control ensure everyone is on the same page, eliminating confusion and minimizing errors. It's also browser-based, blisteringly fast, and as accurate as any desktop PDF reader. (Learn more about Review)

Enfocus Switch: The world-renowned, flexible automation platform integrates perfectly with Enfocus Review, automating file routing, preflighting, and other essential tasks so you can embed Review’s soft proofing into your larger production processes. (Learn more about Switch)

Together, Enfocus Switch and Review enable print businesses to remove their reliance on physical proofs, leading to more sustainable, efficient, and profitable operations.

Implementing Soft Proofing is easy

Transitioning to soft proofing might seem daunting if your business has relied on hard proofs for a long time. It doesn't have to be.

Setting up Enfocus Review and Switch are tasks that prepress staff find intuitive and easy. Both tools boost intuitive GUIs and come with clear and comprehensive documentation on getting started. Moreover, Enfocus Review runs in the revolutionary Enfocus Cloud, ensuring zero server setup is required to get your soft proofing workflow underway.

Finally, if you want to hand off the setup to a product expert, a global network of Enfocus Certified Partners is there to help.


The printing industry is evolving fast, and embracing sustainable practices is now a necessity. By minimizing physical proofs with soft proofing solutions like Enfocus Switch and Review, print businesses can reduce waste, cut costs, and improve efficiency while delivering high-quality products that delight customers. It's a win-win for the environment and any printers’ bottom line.

If you’re ready to embrace the future of printing, explore Enfocus’s innovative solutions, and discover how soft proofing can transform your business. It’s time to check out Enfocus Review and Enfocus Switch.

The right tools can simplify complex production journeys


Articles in our Sustainability in Print series

Going Green with Digital Efficiency: An Introduction to Sustainable Print Technologies
Enhancing Sustainability through Intelligent Printing: The Role of AI
Reducing Reprints and Waste: How PitStop and Griffin Drive Eco-Friendly Printing
Caring for Your Human Resources: How Enfocus Switch Fosters a Sustainable Work Environment
Print Smart, Print Less: Minimizing Physical Proofs with Soft Proofing Solutions

sustainability Commercial Print Soft Proofing